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Key verse: John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Biblical truth: Jesus is the eternal Son of God the Father and in Jesus is the way or path to the Father (righteousness) the absolute and dependable truth and everlasting life. There is no other way to heaven where the Father is.
He is called the eternal Son of God because it is often thought that He did not exist before His birth to a virgin named Mary. The truth is that Jesus Christ is God and has always existed. He took on a body of flesh so that God could become the final and effective sacrifice for our sins, dying in our place and rising again from the dead. I Corinthians 15:3-10
The Bible Calls Him God.
There is no confusion in the Bible about who Jesus is. He is called God in the Old Testament and the New Testament and is recognized by the Father as His Son.
He is God manifest in the flesh. I Timothy 3:16
He claims to be one with the Father. John 10:29-30
The gospel of John says He already existed (was) in the beginning and that He was God and that He was made flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:1, 14.
John again says that God the Father, the Word (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost are one. I John 5:7-8
Isaiah the prophet calls Jesus the Everlasting God in Isaiah 9:6
Thomas called Jesus His Lord and His God in John 20:28
Paul, writing to the Colossian church called Jesus the image of the invisible God in Colossians 1:15 then goes on in the next verse to call Him (Jesus) the Creator of all things. Jesus is also God because all things exist and consist by Him. Colossians 1:17
a. Everything that the Bible says about God, it says it also about Jesus.
b. God acknowledges that Jesus is His beloved Son in whom God is well pleased.
c. To say that Jesus is not God come in the flesh is to be a false word or false spirit. I John 4:2-3
Paul, in the book of Philippians, shows how Jesus was in the form of God but took on a body for the express purpose of dying on the cross in our place.
Hebrews tells us that of all the ways that God has spoken to us, he was most pleased in these last days to speak to us by His Son who is the brightness of God's glory and the expressed image of His person. Hebrews 1:1-3
Peter recognizes Jesus as the Christ (chosen one of God to be the sacrifice for sin) the Son of the living God. Matthew 16:13-18, then again in John 6:69.
How do these verses about Jesus agree or conflict with my understanding of who He is?
Jesus is the Savior and He Died for All Mankind
Jesus was holy and completely without sin of any kind.
a. Jesus was born without inheriting the sin of Adam. Jesus' earthly mother was a virgin when He was born which means that a descendent of Adam was not Jesus' father. God was His Father. Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18, 23
b. Jesus lived a life without ever committing sin. I Peter 2:22, Hebrews 4:14-15
c. Jesus died completely innocent of any crime. It was our sins that were on Him when He died on the cross. I Peter 2:24, I Thessalonians 5:9-10
Jesus was the Savior that the Bible foretold would come and rescue mankind from the wrath of God
a. The law predicted He would come. The law required that innocent animals died in place of guilty men and women. The animal sacrifice could not take away sin but did show mankind that he needed a Savior that could. Galatians 3:24, Hebrews 10:1-10. What the animal sacrifices could not do, Jesus did.
b. The prophets predicted He would come. Luke 24:44, Acts 3:18, Isaiah 53:
c. Jesus told His disciples why He had come. John 12:32-33, Matthew 26:1-2
Jesus paid the price for the sins of all mankind. Jesus did not only pay the sin debt of those that accept Him, He paid the sin debt of the entire world.
a. His blood was the payment for sin. He has washed our sins away with His own blood. Revelation 1:5 This means that the guiltiness that a person has because of their sin can be removed (washed) away by means of accepting the blood of Christ as payment for their sin. I Peter 1:18-20
b. The beating of His body was the wrath of God being felt for our sin. The wrath of God abides on those that are not redeemed by the blood of Jesus. John 3:36 Jesus took the wrath of God (His anger poured out on Jesus because all our sin was upon Him on the cross) for us. Isaiah 53, Hebrews 12:2
c. He is the only sacrifice God will accept for sin. John 14:6.
d. Jesus died for all mankind, not just those that believe on Him (I John 2:1-2, I Timothy 2:3-6, II Peter 3:9, John 1:11-12). He wants all mankind to be saved.
What implications are there in the truth that Jesus died for all men?
Jesus is Coming Again to This Earth
Jesus promised that He would return to this earth. The next time He comes, it will not be as the Savior but as the one who will receive all those that have accepted Him as Lord to spend eternity with Him, but also to judge all those that have rejected Him and cast them into an everlasting punishment called Hell.
He promised that He would return: Our key verse is John 14:6 where He says He is the way the truth and the life. Before that Jesus is describing His Father's house and says in John 14:2-3.
a. I go to prepare a place for you and if I go, I will come again to take you to be with me. This promise is made only to those that have trusted Christ.
b. I Thessalonians 4:13-17 tells us that Jesus is coming back to take us (believers) to be with Him and we will be with Him forever.
c. The two men that were present when Jesus ascended to Heaven testified that He would come again in like manner as He went up. Acts 1:11
Jesus is the Savior of all mankind, but not all men will believe in Him. It will be a shame that so many will find themselves in eternal punishment when all they had to do was accept a payment that was made on their behalf for sin.
How does a second coming of Jesus affect me?
Personal study time:
Reading: Additional verses: Search your Bible concordance or electronic Bible for "Jesus, sacrifice, Savior and blood" See what verses you find and record the devotional thoughts, or questions.