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Key verse: Act 1:8 "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."
Biblical truth: Those that have been born again will have a noticeable change in their life that should attract the attention of those around them. Our light (that Jesus placed in us) is to shine so that men will see it, the change in us and glorify God. (Matthew 5:16) We (as born again believers) have been give the Holy Spirit to indwell us and to give us power to witness of the things that Christ has done in our life. It is natural for a Christian to witness of his Savior.
Your Personal Testimony.
Your personal testimony is just that, yours. No one can tell it like you and no one knows the details of it like you. It's not only the account of the time that you placed your faith and trust in Christ but of your daily walk and the growth of your relationship with Him. Giving your testimony should be a normal part of your life and conversation since it is the single most significant thing that has ever happened in your life.
Paul was very vocal about his testimony
a. His salvation experience (Acts 22:1-15)
b. Where God brought him from (I Timothy 1:12-15, Galatians 1:13-14)
c. What God did with his life (Galatians 1:15-24)
The story in John chapter 9 gives us great comfort in the fact that we do not have to have deep theological training to give our testimony.
a. His testimony was simply, I used to be blind and now I see. (John 9:11, 21, 25) He gave this testimony the same day he was saved.
b. When questioned about theological issues, the man simply said, I used to be blind and now I see.
c. When questioned about their power or authority and their intelligence, Peter (speaking by the power of the Holy Spirit) gave this witness. (Acts 4:8-17)
A witness is a person who has seen, heard or experienced something and is called on to give testimony or testify about it. Many Samaritans believed because a woman accused of adultery became a witness of the grace of God that day. (John 4:29)
a. The truth has been revealed and entrusted to us. (I Thessalonians 2:4)
b. We know the truth about who Jesus is and are obligated to tell others. (Romans 1:14-16)
c. The Holy Spirit gives us power to witness. (Acts 1:8)
What is your personal testimony of salvation?
Why Should I Witness?
There are many reasons in the Bible for the Christian to witness. Not the least of these should be that he is excited about what Jesus has done for him and in him. (I Timothy 1:11-12, 15) It has also been clearly stated by Jesus in His ministry that He came to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10) Other reasons that I should witness include;
Because God loves man: John 3:16
Because man is condemned already: John 3:18
a. They don't see that just as we didn't see that. The light of the Gospel can open their eyes. John 3:19
b. They do not know that sin desires to ruin them. Romans 5:21
c. They must be made conscious of their sin and guilt before God as well as its consequence. Romans 6:23
d. It is the Holy Spirit that brings the conviction upon them. John 16:8-11.
Because we love God: I John 4:19
Because it is God's mission to win this world: II Peter 3:9
Because we owe our lives to God: Romans 12:1-2
We have been given the ministry of reconciliation by God. II Corinthians 5
a. The Word of reconciliation has been committed to us.
b. We go in Christ's stead since He has gone back to heaven.
c. Logically if Christ died for all then all need a Savior.
Because we have the truth, we have become debtors to all those that do not have the truth. We owe it to them and to Christ. (Romans 1:14-16)
So that Christ will be admired by multitudes. (II Thessalonians 1:10)
To show them the standard of truth.
a. The Word of God is the standard of truth. (1 Peter 1:23, Psalm 119:160, John 17:17)
What are some things that you have faced that God has brought you through that would make a good story to tell someone?
Things I cannot do.
It is our responsibility to witness to those who have not heard about Jesus Christ. It is required of a witness that he testify of what he has seen and heard. That is what we can and should do. What we cannot do is save or change anyone. Only God can change hearts.
I cannot change anyone's heart or mind.
a. I can let my good works glorify God. (Matthew 5:16)
b. I can invite my friends and family to hear about God. (Acts 10:24, 10:33-35)
c. I can be salt and light. (Matthew 5:13-16)
d. I can plant seeds, water and cultivate. I Corinthians 3:6-7)
e. Only God can give the increase. (I Corinthians 3:5-7)
I cannot live a sinless life and never let anyone down.
a. A personal witness is not, nor ever can be, perfection. (I John 2:1-2, I John 1:7-9)
b. I cannot model a perfect life in front of someone, just a life of faith.
c. I can show them how a Christian deals with sin, disappointments, tragedy as well as success and prosperity.
How does an understanding of the things I cannot do change my thoughts about my personal testimony?
Personal study time:
Reading: Stories about the lives of those whose testimony is recorded in the Bible gives the Christian confidence in his own testimony and witness. Stories of the boldness of believers who were unashamed to witness of the glory and great power of God will give the believer boldness also. Our personal testimony should be a normal conversation piece for us as well as a desire to hear the testimonies of others.
Cornelius (Acts 10)
The Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:27-40)
The blind man (John 9)
The Apostle Paul (Acts 9)
The Jailer (Acts 16:23-40)
What are some Devotional thoughts from my reading?
Who are some people around you that you could tell about your salvation experience and walk with the Lord?